FITS Manager


  FITS Manager (FM) is a desktop application for astronomers to manage FITS files hosted in their personal computers. This toolkit is a collaboration project between Chinese Virtual Observatory (China-VO) and Virtual Observatory India (VO-India).

  FM bases on OSGi framework, and almost all functions are provided by its plug-ins. Although FM designed as a manager of FITS files, it also supports VOTable and other format files.


  There are seven functional plug-ins in the current release. You can disable a plug-in by setting its "Enable" option to be "false" in configuration panel (configuration path in detail: <menu>-<Options>-<Configuration>-configuration dialog-<Plug-ins Control>), then it won't start up automatically next time. You can always temporarily stop or start a plug-in by changing the status of its checkbox at <menu>-<Option>-<Plugins>.

  1. Explorer Plug-in: ./plugins/Explorer_1.0.0.jar

This plug-in is similar to the Resource Explorer in Microsoft Windows. It provides:

  2. Category Plug-in: ./plugins/Category_1.0.0.jar

  3. Favorites Plug-in: ./plugins/Favorites_1.0.0.jar

  4. IconCreator Plug-in: ./plugins/IconCreator_1.0.0.jar

  5. History Plug-in: ./plugins/History_1.0.0.jar

This plug-in is a simple file version control system.

  6. SAMP Plug-in: ./plugins/SAMP_1.0.0.jar

Thanks for JSAMP.

  7. TableFormatConvert Plug-in: ./plugins/TableFormatConvert_1.0.0.jar

Thanks for STIL.

System Requirements


Start the program

execute the run.exe(windows) or run(linux)

or Command Line(OS independent):
java -Dorg.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=* -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.2.R35x_v20100126.jar -configuration ./configuration

In the root directory of the FITS Manager, some script files are prepared for Windows and Linux users:

Suggestions and comments are sincerely welcome, please send to Chenzhou Cui

Some document generated by javadoc here.

Last Updated on May 3th, 2011. 

© 2011, China-VO